

I've converted the web to a frameless site. The big problem has been trying to keep the same page layout as previously but without frames.

I'm pretty happy with the results since they are practically equal.
I've made a new frontend page for the index page, wheere anyone can see the different projects I've done. I think this is more eye candy than previous one.
Added new home section in menu, in order to let the user go to the frontpage when he/she comes from an external link.
Introduce button state when mouse is moved over menu buttons. As the user pass mouse over the buttons, they highlight to ease navigation, accesibility.
I've been very busy messing around several Weblogs systems. Wordpress is fantastic, easy to use, easy to install, highly custimizable, but only one blog.

Then I tried B2Evolution, and it's very cool. Do not like so much the configuration pages, but still very functional. Customisation is not so easy may be. You have several skins and can download and install several more, but to customize one skin, you have to create an "image" of the used files into the blog directory. The problem is that user does not need to know the proper structure, the tags used by the skin, etc... Any way, it's a multiblog system, so it's useful in environments where several developers need to write their progress in a daily basis.
Saturday I bought an old XBOX for 29,9 euros. I hotswapped very easily the hdd and tested some XB homebrew: Evox dashboard, HBMC and MAMEdOX. Very impressing work the one done by the scene.

I made some mistakes, like installing a dashboard over evox and the loss FTP control to restore the good one :) but nothing that a new hotswap process cannot recover :P
Today I've been working a bit on WordChallengeMP.
I wanted to publish it today, so I put my hands on, and started implementing that features I considered "a must" before really releasing a downloadable package. I implemented english language support, user feedback for invalid words detected by the server, and the feature about adding words susceptible of being valid.

I've also made a screen title for the wordchallenge launcher.
By the way, today I bought a XBOX for 29.90 euros. Now I wanna buy an arcade controller and put MAME there!
WebCam Server: These days I have been very busy investigating the great possibilities that offers web services. To get an idea, I was dealing with the problem of broadcasting images from a webcam to an internet server in order to, let my son watch me while I'm at work, and let me see him at the same time. To make things difficult, at work, I'm firewalled so the number of open ports is relatively small. Thanks god, I have FTP port open so I can transfer files to the web server.

I used a cool app (Dorgem) to capture the images from my webcam and send them via FTP to my webserver at a 1 FPS rate.
At the other side, my wife's laptop sends images to the local webserver.

I first used the capabilities of HTML to autorefresh the page at a constant predefined rate.

The I found better way of handling this by using javascript embeded code. I found that code by searching on the internet for free webcam pages on the internet and inspecting their code.

Very interesting.
Mp3 server: On the other hand this morning I was looking for a solution to broadcast my music playlist from my webserver.

I found a flash player that performs exactly this task. The only "problem" is that it uses XSPF file format to store the playlist.
None of the programs I was using generates this playlist format, so I had to investigate more in order to get an app that exports the playlist in that format. Finally I found one, the VLC media player.

The broadcasting worked perfecly :)
MusicaModerna: This weekend I've been working on a new site, here at izfree. It's a project managed by a friend of mine and myself about a forum for the students of the modern music school of Sant Boi.
The main hotspot have been customization of the phpbb style. I had a big problem with the Firefox cache, that didn't shown me the changes I was performing and drive me mad to find out what was happening.
Last week I was messing around with two tools to make games easily.
The first is The Games Factory 2, which is great for people without any programming knowledge. The second is flash which is also great since you manage both resources and logic in the same development environment. Look at devprojects section.
Site: Added a google search engine to the site. But still is not working.
SiteManager: Added some utilities, like rebuild recursive, insert date, and prefix postfix support for groups of entries for a given date.
SiteManager: Change the date tag for div class date.
SiteManager: Added some shortcuts to the editor window.
SiteManager: Added typical edition facilities such as copy,cut,paste,undo, that were removed by custom onkeydown management. Insert date also introduces date tags around the selected text.
Site: Fight against the encondings of the pages. I dunno what program changed the enconding of Personal and Resume pages from Ansi to utc8 but now some characters doesn't appear properly. I have to convert them again.
Site: Work on the redirection of the pages to index. Now a page is loaded starting from everywhere but the site itself, the index page is loaded and the main page is loaded at the main frame.
Site: New figth against $argc $argv. I dunno why but in my UniformServer, accessing directly to these variables works perfectly but they don't in izfree server. I had to change the code of the showimage page to something using jscript instead of pure php.
Site: While working on the redirection to the index page, I tried finally _SERVER[$argv] and seems to work.
SiteManager: Added SiteManager tool to DevProjects section
Site: Added the Misc Menu option and the initial contents for this section. In this place we will find Music, Personal, and others misc sections that will not fit anywhere but here in the site.
SiteManager:He estado trabajando en el insertado de im�genes mediante el sitemanager. Ahora se pasa como par�metro la imagen a un script definido por el usuario.
AdventureGameStudio:Me he bajado el Adventure Game Studio, y he sustituido algun sprite por uno propio. He creado un personaje con la wacom.
SiteManager:Corregido un bug que cuando no se encontraba el fichero footer.htmlinc, autom�ticamente inclu�a los tags <\body><\html> en vez de < /body>< /html>
SiteManager:Corregido un bug que no ten�a en cuenta la versi�n de las entradas. Esto provocaba que 2 entradas del mismo d�a no se ordenaran correctamente
SiteManager:A�ado funcionalidad para que cuando se inserte un link, si el destino est� vac�o inserte en el href="#"
UniformServer:Instalo UniformServer para hacer las pruebas de PHP. Resultado estupendo.
SiteManager:Nueva caracter�stica. Cuando insertamos un link con un texto seleccionado, �ste se utiliza como texto por defecto al insertar el link.